Parivahan Sewa (LL/DL) – Basic to Advance (2020)

What is Parivahan?

Parivahan Sewa is also known as transport or transportation which means the movement of something from one location to another location. It can be divided into many categories like vehicles, infrastructure, and operations.But here we are talking about vehicles like2 wheeler Scootty, bike and 4 wheeler cars, trucks, bus and so.


There are modes of parivahan like water, road, air, space and so on. The infrastructure of parivahan consists of the fixed installation, including airways, waterways, canals, pipeline and terminals and so on. 

So here we will discuss everything about parivahan sewa, what kind of services the government provide us through parivahan sewa, how to apply for parivahan sewa, how to check RC/DL status and so on.



What is Parivahan Sewa?


Here the question comes that what is parivahan sewa?

So of this question is that a registration certificate and driving license is issued by RTOs that are valid all over India.


parivahan sewa
Parivahan Sewa Official Site


It was necessary to define some standards of these documents at the pan-India level to secure difference, reality, information, and availability at the time. There are some benefits to this service.


  1. Parivahan sewa provides better services to transport and citizens.
  2. Parivahan sewa helps in quick implementations of government services from time to time.
  3. This service improved the image of government and department of transport.

Pro Tip: Save Time By Watching These Videos Below !

  1. How to Apply Driving License in Mobile (2019, Updated)

(Credit : Mobile Sahayata )

2. How to change Name/Address/Photo/Signature in DL ?


(Credit : Driving Licence Advisor )


3. How to Apply New Learner’s License in 2019 ?


(Credit : Hindi Croud )

Online Services of Parivahan Sewa :

There are many online services provided by parivahan sewa for peoples ease. Here is the list of these online services provided by parivahan sewa.
parivahan sewa
  • Services related to vehicles 
  • Services related to driving license(DL)
  • Check post-tax service for many states 
  • Fancy number booking online service
  • Know your license online service
  • Know your vehicle details online service
  • e-authorization card online service

Services Related to Vehicles :

Online services by parivahan sewa related to vehicles include payment gateway and third-party banks for Vahan chalan application. In the case of the delayed response of your application by banks or by payment gateways, you need to wait for at least 1-2 hours.

After that, you can use the “check pending” option to check the latest status and print the receipt if application is already successful


In case of application failure, you need to try again. Here are some steps that how to enjoy online services related to vehicles.


  • First of all, enter any valid vehicle registration number and then click on the “proceed” option.
  • To choose an online service you want to enjoy by clicking on the respective services under “online services“menu.
  • Enter your chassis and mobile number
  • Enter the OTP (One Time Password) received on your registered mobile number and click on the “show details” button.
  • Enter all the required details displayed in the form.
  • Click on the “submit” button and make payment through your card.
  • After payment confirmation print the receipt.
  • After that, you can book an appointment in RTOs( if it is applicable) for verification process. 
  • After that visit the receptive RTO with your documents.


Services Related to Driving License :

There are many online driving license related services provided by parivahan sewa such as
  • Apply online
  • Upload documents
  • Book an appointment
  • Fee or payments
  • Modify your application


Apply Online:


parivahan sewa sarathi


There are many services under this service. So here is a list of these services which comes under the apply online option.


    • New learners license
    • New driving license
    • The issue of learners license for the expired class of vehicles.
    • Services of learners license.
    • Services on the driving license(renewal, duplicate, others).
    • New conductor license
    • Services on conductor license
    • Temporary conductor license
    • Regularize provisional conductor license
    • Check application status
    • Related applications.
    • Find application number.
    • Cancel application.
    • Camp registration.


New Learners License :


Here are described certain stages that should be followed for issuing your learners license and how you can fill the application form online.


parivahan sewa sarathi
1. Fill all the applicant details as mentioned in the form.
2. Upload all the documents that are being asked.
3. Upload your photograph and scanned signature..
4. Learners License Test slot booking
5. Then the final step is to pay the fees authorised.


New Driving License :

If you are bewildered about the fact that how you can fill the application form for the new driving license online.
Then here are stated certain steps that can be followed to apply for the driving license online.


  1. Fill all the personal details in the form.
  2. Upload the documents as required in the form application.
  3. Upload your photograph and signature of required(applicable for only some states).
  4. Book the test slot booking for driving license(Note : applicable only in some states).
  5. Final step is to go for the fee payment.Check this Video for more details :

                 (Video Credit : Driving Licence Advisor )


Issue of Learners License for Expired class of Vehicles :


Open the application form online.

  1. First step is to fill the Expired License Number
  2. Fill your date of birth.
  3. Then “submit” your form.
parivahan sewa


Points to note here are:

  1. If the license number contains spaces then write spaces.
  2. If the LL number is RJ14/0001234/2017
Example 1: Enter LL number as    RJ14 <space>/0001234/2017
Example 2: If the DL number: MH01 20170001234
Enter the DL number as   MH01<space>20170001234


Services On Learners License :

To know the services on learners license there is also a form to be filled. When you fill the following details you will come to know the personal services.
  • Fill your Learners License Number
  • And next Your Date of Birth & Click on “Proceed”
  • After filling this you can proceed to your license services.

Services on Driving License: 

Following are the services for driving license 

  • Renewal of DL
  • Issue duplicate of DL
  • Additional Endorsement to DL
  • Issue of PSV badge to a driver
  • Change if address in DL


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  • Change of Name in DL
  • Replacement of DL
  • Change if Biometrics in DL
  • Endorsement to Drive Hazardous Material
  • Endorsement to Drive in Hill Region
  • DL extract
  • Issue of NOC
  • Issue International Driving Permit
  • Cancellation of NOC
  • Change of Date of Birth in DL
  • Surrender of PSV/COV Badge
  • AEDL for Defence DL Holder
  • COV conversion(applicable only in some states)


New Conductor License :

To submit the application form for issuing conductor license, you have to follow certain steps:
  1. Fill all the details of the applicant.
  2. Upload the documents if asked.
  3. Upload Photograph and Signature if required.
  4. Payment of fee.


Services on Conductor License :

For the application of conductor services you need to fill an application form which includes:
1. Fill conductor license number
2. your date of birth
After filling this you need to submit it so as to know the services.

Temporary Conductor License :

For the application there are certain stages that needs to be passed. 
  1. Fill all the details of the applicant.
  2. Upload documents if required
  3. Upload photograph and signature.
  4. Payment of fees
After this “submit” your form.


Regular Provisional Conductor License :

For this also there are just two steps. Open the form to convert temporary CL to Permanent CL.
  1. Fill the temporary CL number.
  2. Fill the application number
  3. Submit the form.


Application Status :

parivhan sewa sarthi spplication status


For checking application status online, you just need to write two fill-ups.

  1. Write your application number.
  2. Write your date of birth.
  3. Then submit the form and check the application status.

Search Related Applications :

By just entering the application number or DL number or LL number, one can know and retrieve all the applications submitted by any applicant.
  1. Write the search criteria.
  2. Write your date of birth.
  3. Submit the form.


Find the Application Number :

Search Criteria for uploading the application details.
1.Select State Name.
2.Select State Code.


Cancel Application :

For the application cancellation, just fill a form which includes:
1.Write your application number.
2.Write your date of birth.

3. Submit the form.


=>> Also Read : How to earn money online with Google ? | Best Earning Tips (2019)


Camp Registration :

For the camp registration, a form needs to be filled which includes:
  1. Write your application number
  2. Fill your date of birth.
  3. Fill captcha.
  4. Submit your form.


Upload Documents :

In this section, you can upload your documents for DL or LL. Like your signature, photo and all other documents needed.
1.Upload your documents/ scanned images.
2.Upload photograph / signature.
3.View your documents.

Upload your documents/scanned images  :

To upload your documents or scanned images you have to select the option to “upload documents/scanned images” under the “upload document” section. 


Here you have to enter your application number and date of birth and click on the submit button. After submitting it, you can view the details about your application status and upload your documents.


Upload Photograph/ Signature :


apply sarthi parivahan sewa


To upload your photograph and signature first select the option “upload photograph/signature” under the “upload document ” section. 


  • Here first you have to enter your application number and date of birth
  • Click on the get details option. 
  • After that, you will get all the details about your application form.
  • After verification of all documents click on the save photo and signature image file option to complete the file uploading process.


View Your Documents :


To view your documents first choose the “view details” option under the upload documents section. 

  • After that fill your application number and date of birth
  • Click on the submit button. 
  • After submitting, you can view the details of your uploaded documents. 


Book an Appointment :

In this section, you can book an appointment online in RTO for DL or LL skill test. You can book an appointment for these two


  • Learners license test
  • Services on your driving license

Learners License Test :

To book an appointment for learners license test first you have to enter these details


  • Application number
  • Date of birth
  • Verification code( received by your registered mobile number)
  • And a captcha given in the last.

Services on Your DL :

To know about all these services first you to enter all the details as you do it for the learner’s license test.
  • Application number
  • Date of birth
  • Verification code( received on your registered mobile number)
  •  And a captcha gave in the last.

Fee or Payments :


parivahan sewa sarthi

After completing the whole application process now comes on to the fee or payment section. Here are some steps so that can easily pay online


  • First, select application fee under E-payment section.
  • Enter your application number and date of birth.
  • After that click on click here to calculate button.
  • Verify your details.
  • Select bank/ gateway.
  • Enter generated code.
  • Click on pay now button to Confirm the payment.


Modify your Application :

To modify your application, 

First choose the modify application option. Then select your “type” and then modify your application according to your type( like learner)


  • Add the class of vehicles.
  • Add your transactions.
  • Changement on learners license validity
  • Service withdrawn by the applicant.
  • Application edit( only learners license)
  • Learners license edit entry.


Add the Class of Vehicles :


In this section, you can add the class of your vehicle

  • First, fill the application number & your date of birth 
  • Click on the “submit” button.

Add Your Transactions :

In this section, you can add your transactions
  • First fill the application number & your date of birth 
  • Click on the “submit” button. 

Changement on LL (Learners License) Validity :


To change learners license validity for testing purpose,

  • Choose the to change of LL validity under modify application section. 
  • Then fill the license number and click on the “submit” button. Thus you can change the validity of learners license.

Service Withdrawn by the Applicant :

To modify the service withdrawn by the applicant,
  • First choose the service withdrawn by the applicant option under the “modify application section”
  • Then fill the application number, date of birth
  •  Press “submit” & Modify your services.

Application Edit (only for learners) :


To edit the application details, 

  • Choose the application edit option under the modify application section.
  • Then fill the application number, date of birth
  • Click on the submit button. 

Thus you can edit your application.


Learners License Edit Entry :

To edit the learner’s license entry, first choose the learner’s license edit entry under the “Modify application section”. Then enter the details like
  • Learner license number/application number
  • Date of birth
  • State
  • RTO
Then click on the “submit” button. Like this you can edit the license entry.

Check Post-Tax Service :

The platform is for providing online services to citizens under one roof. The services are being started for online check post-tax services for a tax payment of vehicles

  • You can log on the portal for any internet access point and pay all your due taxes through net banking.
  • Once you log on to the system and provide the details of your vehicles, the software calculates and display the total amount of tax. 
  • If you choose the make payment option the system redirects you to an internet banking site where you can make the payment through net banking. 
  • After the payment confirmation software generates a detailed receipt for you which can be printed by you for your record.

Fancy Number Booking Online Service :

Here we are talking about online services of parivahan. Like all these services mentioned above, fancy number booking is also an online service. 

parivahan sewa
(Fancy/Choice Number Implementation Chart)


  • You can book a fancy number of your choice through this mode either before or after the purchase of any vehicle. 
  • But if you are booking a fancy number after the purchase of your vehicle, then you will have to adhere the time limit.


Know Your License Details :

To know your license details,

  • First choose the “know license detail” option under the “online services” section. 
  • Then enter your license number, date of birth and the verification code given below.
  • After that click on the suit button and know your license details.

Know Your Vehicle Details :

To know your vehicle detail,

  • First choose the “know vehicle detail” option under the “online services” section. 
  • Then enter your license number and a verification code is given below.
  • After that click on the “submit”button and know the details of your vehicle.

e-Authorisation-card :


To e-Authorisation-card first choose the e-Authorisation card option under the “online services” section. Then fill all the details mentioned 

sarthi parivahan sewa 2019


  • Registration number
  • Password
  • Driving license number
  • Mobile number of owner
  • Mobile number of driver
  • Captcha code

Wrapping Up:

So, we were talking about parivahan and parivahan sewa sarathi & its online services available for citizens. 

Hope it helps you a lot . Do Let me know what did you like or not  in this post in comment box below !! And yes, share this post to your friends, family & others who need to know this. Thank You !!

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