Mmhmm is a video conferencing app that wants to redefine the concept of video conferencing calls.
Video conference calls are boring. No need to think again. No one likes to see a talker go on for hours, or to see a gray box! So, one video conferencing platform wants to set the mood and make these meetings fun in a rather childish way. Mmhmm is a new video conferencing platform that aims to make these meetings interactive and keep people entertained while discussing business.
at interview Phil Libin, CEO of Mmhmm, says he wants to make video chatting different and fun at Verge. Participants can choose from a variety of rooms, all of which serve very different roles. For example, there is a room called OOOsteroids, where all participants become triangular asteroids floating in space and can simply be blown up using the spacebar.
well we are listening
But why blow up people from asteroids? Instead of waiting awkwardly or chatting awkwardly before the meeting starts, Livin says you can play this silly game until the meeting starts.
In the meeting room, participants can drag the image and everyone can resize or move it to their advantage.
However, there is another conference room that many participants will love. It’s a floating helicopter room. Libin said the background of the floating helicopter room would start to drift face-up when talking, and quiet participants would calm down. It’s easy for speakers to ask someone to contribute or see who’s saying what. But it also causes problems for speakers who talk a lot. If one of the team members chats too much, the floating head floats out the window and that person is muted. why? “…just be quiet a little bit.”
If you want to try this Mmhmm conference app for your daily office meetings or video presentations, you can try it for free. The app is in beta testing for mobile, desktop and web users and is available for free. You can pay to add more people to the call or post meeting video.