A lot of people have chosen social media as their primary source of income. They usually produce high-quality text, image, or video content for their social media profiles in order to increase engagement. However, videos are significantly more popular than any other type of content available online.
Even though many people try their luck at creating engaging and insightful videos, they generally forget about a few basic points.
In this article, I will share with you six such things that you should always remember while looking to produce engaging video content.
1. Increase Curiosity
Sharing content which is already available on social media can sometimes prove to be negative. Therefore, one needs to produce videos which increase a viewers’ curiosity.
This can be done by choosing topics which are not explored a lot.
Another way to do the same is by creating short video trailers that can be published in advance. It will give the audience a snippet about what is coming up on your channel and will also help generate a buzz.
2. Tell A Story
The next thing that you should always keep in mind while looking to create an engaging video for your social media channel is that it should have a story. The video should not be about a bunch of random stuff put together.
Instead, it should take you through a story which is well narrated. Even if you how shot the video on different occasions you can later put them together using online tools.
You can even convert old formats like Mts to Mp4 online with the help of software like VC online.
3. Should Be Inspiring
An entertaining video can also be inspiring at the same time.
This is a concept which should always be kept in mind while looking to drive up engagement level on your social media profile. The more interesting or inspiring topics you choose, the better the results you will be able to get from your published videos.
Besides, conducting research on your topic can also help make it more inspiring rather than just an informative video.
4. Make It Short
A mistake that a lot of people make these days is by creating long social media videos.
Nobody has the time and energy to go through a 30-minute long video. This also results in lower traffic on your social media profile.
The ideal way to deal with this and increase engagement on your profile is by creating short videos. They are the most popular and are loved by everyone.
Besides, short videos can be created for any type of content category, so you do not have to worry about that as well.
5. Compatibility with Channels
There are so many different social media platforms available that uploading a video can be a time-consuming thing.
Moreover, these channels allow different formats on their system which is why you need to make sure that your videos are compatible with the channel policy.
Even if they are not you can easily use tools like VC online to change the format from Mts to Mp4 online.
6. Must Be Credible
The last but definitely not the least!
The information that you share through your videos should always be credible. Since your videos will be watched by thousands or even millions of people, it should be correct.
Spreading wrong information cannot only have a negative effect on viewers but can also reduce your engagement level significantly.