The Huawei companyHonor has been launched its Honor 9N in India recently. The phone has been introduced in three variants. Fueled like dual rear camerain the phone are given. After the launch of Honor 9N in India, it is being compared with Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro and Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1. Then, which is better ? So, you should know about the full comparisonbetween ASUS ZenFone Max Pro M1, Honor 9N & Redmi Note 5 Pro.
ZenFone Max Pro vs Honor 9N vs Redmi Note 5 Pro : Full Specifications Comparison
Display :
Camera :
Honor 9N has a Dual Rear 13MP plus 2 MegaPixel camera which supports 3D face recognition. The phone has a 16 megapixel camera for selfie shooter.
Redmi Note 5 Pro has a 12 megapixel and 5 MegaPixel camera in the rear. There is a 20 MegaPixel camera for Selfie.
The Zenfone Max Pro M1 has 13 MegaPixels and a 5 MegaPixel dual rear camera. The phone has an 8 Megapixel camera at the front.
Also Read : Top 5 Best Dual Rear Camera Smartphones under Rs 10,000 !
Battery :
Talking about the battery performance, 3,000 mAh non-removal battery have been given to power the Honor 9N. Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 has a powerful battery. It has a 5,000 mAh battery, while the Redmi Note 5 Pro has a battery of 4,000 mAh.
Price :
The Honor 9N 3GB RAM + 32GB storage variant is priced at Rs 11,999. The 4 GB RAM + 64 GB storage model costs Rs 13,999. While the 4 GB RAM + 128GB storage phone costs Rs 17,999.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro’s 4 GB RAM phone is priced at Rs 14,999 while the 6 GB RAM phone costs Rs 16,999.
The Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 3 GB RAM variant is priced at Rs 10,999. However, the cost of a 4 GB RAM device is Rs. 12,999. At the same time, 6 GB RAM phones cost Rs 14,999.
Conclusion :
Hope, you like this comparison article where I shared a brief and short comparison between Zenfone Max Pro M1 vs Redmi Note 5 Pro vs Honor 9N . If you want to more comparison in another smartphones, then please comment below. I will try to give you that article. Thanks for reading this article.