Asteroid Watch: NASA shows dangerous asteroids charging towards Earth today

danger! NASA announced today that the asteroid is accelerating towards the planet.

NASA is monitoring asteroids by studying data collected from various telescopes and observatories, such as the Pan-STARRS, Catalina Sky Survey, and NEOWISE telescope. With the help of various telescopes, the Space Agency has discovered a huge asteroid that today is dangerously orienting towards Earth. This particular asteroid was discovered just three days earlier, on October 16, causing cuddling worries in space agencies. Because this asteroid is very close to Earth, it has been classified as a potentially dangerous asteroid. Here’s what you need to know about this asteroid.

Asteroid 2022 UE Key Details

An asteroid named Asteroid 2022 UE is already heading towards the planet. This 54-foot cosmic rock will make its closest approach to Earth today, October 19, at a distance of 1.4 million kilometers. According to NASA, the asteroid is charging towards Earth at an incredible speed of 19,440 kilometers per hour.

Asteroid 2022 UE was discovered very recently on October 16, 2022 and belongs to the group of Apollo asteroids. According to, the asteroid orbits the sun in about 610 days. In this orbit, the farthest from the Sun is 272 million kilometers and the closest is 149 million kilometers.

How NASA Researches and Tracks Asteroids: Tech Explained

Thousands of near-Earth objects have been identified in surveys conducted by NASA-funded ground-based telescopes, including the Pans-STARRS1 in Maui, Hawaii and the Catalina Sky Survey near Tucson, Arizona. And a space-based telescope called NEOWISE has identified hundreds of other telescopes while scanning the sky with near-infrared wavelengths of light from polar orbits around Earth. NASA uses ground-based radar to gather accurate data about the path and characteristics of asteroids.

NASA also has a new impact monitoring system that uses an algorithm called Sentry-II to calculate the impact risk of Near-Earth Objects. The space agency has a mission, the NEO Surveyor, scheduled to launch in 2026 to get even more in-depth data using the new orbiter.

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